How To Get More Reviews For Law Firms 

 Last Updated June 11, 2024

By Zaid Ammari

In the digital era, reviews can greatly influence a law firm’s reputation and its ability to attract clients. Developing effective strategies for garnering positive reviews is essential for any legal practice seeking to strengthen its online presence. Learn the essential tips and strategies for law firms to generate more high-quality online reviews, helping to build trust and attract potential customers efficiently.

How To Get More Reviews

Ask for Reviews Proactively

Actively soliciting reviews is crucial for law firms looking to boost their online presence and reputation. After successfully resolving a case or transaction, initiate the conversation with your clients about leaving a review. It’s crucial to strike while the experience is fresh in their minds and their satisfaction levels are high.

Employ various communication methods such as follow-up emails, text messages, or during final meetings to gently encourage clients to share their experiences. Offer direct links to your preferred review platforms to streamline the process for users. This removes barriers and simplifies the action for clients, increasing the likelihood of them leaving a review.

Moreover, educating your team on the importance of a review request and how to ask for it tactfully is crucial. This ensures a consistent approach across all client interactions, reinforcing the importance of feedback. By actively integrating these practices, your law firm can significantly increase its volume of positive reviews, boosting your credibility and attracting potential clients.

Utilize Multiple Platforms

Maximizing a law firm's online reputation using multiple platforms

Leveraging multiple review platforms is a strategic approach for law firms seeking to maximize their online reputation. Broadening your presence across various platforms like Google, Avvo,, and Yelp not only increases your visibility but also reaches potential clients where they are most active. Each review platform attracts different demographics and has unique strengths in how it showcases reviews, enhancing your firm’s credibility across a wider audience.

Encourage your clients to leave reviews on the platform they feel most comfortable with, providing them with options and simplifying the process. This approach caters to their preferences and increases the likelihood of them taking the time to share their positive experiences. Moreover, having reviews on multiple platforms ensures that your firm’s positive feedback is resilient to changes in any single platform’s policy or popularity.

In addition to online review sites, consider utilizing social media platforms like Facebook, where clients can leave recommendations and share their experiences with their network. Encourage clients to share their positive experiences by providing easy-to-follow links and instructions on how to leave a review, making the process as straightforward as possible.

By diversifying your review strategy, your law firm can develop a strong online presence that highlights your expertise and dependability, effectively attracting more clients and building trust.

Respond to All Reviews

Law firm responding to online reviews

Responding to all law firm reviews by clients—both positive and negative—is a vital strategy for law firms looking to enhance their reputation and client trust. Each review offers a chance to show prospective clients that your firm values feedback and is committed to client satisfaction.

For positive reviews, expressing gratitude with a simple thank you acknowledges the client’s effort and reinforces their positive feedback. This interaction not only cultivates loyalty but also motivates others to share their experiences.

Managing negative reviews is just as crucial. Responding swiftly and professionally to concerns can transform a potentially harmful situation into an opportunity to showcase your firm’s commitment to client service. Offer to resolve issues offline when appropriate, showing prospective clients that you are proactive about improving your services.

This proactive engagement not only enhances your firm's image but also influences potential clients who consider how businesses handle criticism and praise. Additionally, consistent responses to reviews can significantly impact your firm's SEO and visibility. Engaging with reviews keeps your business active on online platforms, signaling to search engines and prospective clients that your firm is responsive and attentive. This practice not only encourages more reviews but also builds a stronger online presence, attracting more clients to your firm. customer testimonials

Incentivize Reviews Ethically

Incentivizing online reviews ethically is an effective way for law firms to increase the quantity and quality of client feedback without compromising ethical standards. It's crucial to ensure that while incentives can encourage clients to leave reviews, they should not affect the content of the reviews. Providing a small token of appreciation, like a discount on future services or a simple thank you note, can motivate clients and loyal customers to share their experiences.

However, any incentive offered should be given regardless of whether it is a positive review or negative feedback. Transparency is essential; make it clear to clients that you are seeking honest feedback, and that the incentive is simply a token of appreciation for their time, not a reward for their praise.

Additionally, make sure that your incentives adhere to the guidelines of the review platforms you are using. Many platforms, like Google, have strict policies against offering incentives for Google reviews or a Google business page. Always check these guidelines to avoid potential penalties and maintain your firm's integrity and trustworthiness in the eyes of both clients and review platforms.

Leverage Technology

Law firm leveraging technology

Leveraging technology is a pivotal strategy for law firms aiming to increase their volume of client reviews efficiently. Modern tools such as automated email systems, SMS, a QR code, and specialized review management software can streamline the process of requesting and managing reviews and allow you to send them to your preferred review platform.

Implementing automated follow-up emails or texts utilizing a review request template after a case has concluded is an effective way to remind clients to leave feedback. These messages can feature direct links to your preferred review platforms, simplifying the process for clients to reach the review submission page. Moreover, using platforms like Podium or ReviewTrackers can help centralize and monitor reviews across different sites, allowing for quick responses and better management of your firm’s online reputation. Gather Up is a great third-party review platform that will help you collect reviews by requesting them from customers via email or SMS.

In addition, integrating these technological solutions into your customer relationship management (CRM) system ensures that every client interaction is followed up with a request for a review at the optimal time. This approach not only boosts the chances of receiving feedback but also ensures that it is timely and accurately reflects the client's most recent interactions with your firm.

Streamline the Review Process

Streamlining the review process is crucial for law firms aiming to improve their online presence through customer feedback. A simplified, user-friendly review process encourages more clients to participate, leading to a higher volume of reviews.

To optimize this process, law firms should integrate direct links to review platforms in all client communications. This could be through email signatures, final case closure documents, or text messages. Tools like Google review link generator can create easy-to-use links that take clients directly to review forms, minimizing the steps they need to take.

Additionally, consider automating the request process with CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software that triggers review requests after significant interactions or case conclusions. Ensure that these requests are personalized and express genuine appreciation for the client's business, which can significantly increase engagement rates.

By reducing barriers to leaving reviews and making the process as effortless as possible, law firms can not only increase the quantity of their reviews but also improve the quality of the feedback received, thereby boosting their reputation and appeal to potential clients.

Utilize Social Media

Utilizing social media to increase online reviews

Utilizing social media effectively is a powerful strategy for law firms looking to increase their online reviews. Platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter provide direct lines of communication with clients and a broad audience, making them ideal for promoting positive client experiences and soliciting feedback.

Start by actively engaging with your followers. Share updates about your firm, insightful articles, and client testimonials. When you post content related to successful case outcomes or client stories, include a gentle reminder or a direct link for clients to leave a review. This not only highlights your firm’s achievements but also makes the review process accessible and straightforward.

Additionally, consider creating dedicated posts that encourage clients to share their experiences. For instance, you could share posts about the importance of client feedback and how it contributes to your firm's improvement. Make sure to include clear, easy-to-follow instructions on how to leave a review, and thank your clients for their time and input.

Social media can also be used to address and resolve any negative feedback publicly, demonstrating your firm's commitment to client satisfaction. This proactive approach not only potentially converts a negative into a positive but also shows prospective clients that you are responsive and client-focused.

Utilize Email Campaigns

Utilizing email campaigns effectively can significantly enhance a law firm's ability to gather more online reviews, crucial for building credibility and attracting new clients. After providing legal services, an automated follow-up email can be an excellent tool for soliciting feedback. These emails should be personalized, referencing specific aspects of the case or service provided to make the request feel more genuine.

In the email, include a direct, easy-to-click link to the review platform you prioritize, such as Google, Avvo, or Yelp. This minimizes the client's effort and increases the likelihood that they will complete the review. Also, explain briefly how valuable their feedback is to the firm and to potential clients seeking similar legal assistance.

For the best results, time these emails to be sent shortly after the case concludes—when the client’s experience with your firm is still fresh in their mind. This timing, combined with a clear, polite request, can greatly increase your review rates, providing potential clients with more insights into the quality of your legal services.

Add A Review Page To Your Website

Website Review Page

Adding a dedicated review page to your law firm’s website can significantly streamline the process of collecting and showcasing client testimonials, which are vital for building trust and enhancing your online reputation. This page acts as a centralized hub where potential clients can easily access and read about others' experiences, aiding them in making informed decisions about selecting your firm.

To maximize effectiveness, ensure the review page is easily navigable from the homepage and other relevant sections of your site. Include clear instructions on how clients can leave a review, along with direct links to your preferred review platforms like Google, Avvo, or Yelp. This lowers the barriers for clients to leave feedback.

Additionally, regularly update the page with new positive reviews to keep the content fresh and engaging. Consider featuring a variety of testimonials that highlight different aspects of your service, such as client care, effectiveness, and specialized expertise. This not only boosts your website's SEO but also presents a comprehensive image of your firm’s capabilities and successes.

Handle Any Negative Reviews Before They Are Published

Many review collection tools, like Gather Up, will allow you to send a review request to clients using their "review request email templates", they are also called customer feedback forms. In any case, this request will include a question asking them to rate your service from 0 to 10. If they respond with a score lower than 7, you can send those users to a page asking them what they didn't like. What this does is help you learn where you can improve and also avoid them posting a negative review since they will be sent to a different page than the review page. Satisfied customers, however, will be directed to a page where they can post their reviews.

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About the author 

Zaid is a leading expert on data driven digital marketing; focusing on analytics and actionable insights from data. Founder of PPC Masterminds - he helps businesses build & run profitable data driven digital campaigns.

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